Setting your internet merchant account easily


A merchant account is simply a bank account that gives businesses the capacity to accept credit cards & debit cards.

There’s always an approval process when setting up a real merchant account.  The first step is to qualify with merchant account providers. During the application process, you should be asked for an overview of your business as well as a variety of documents.  Any reputable processors will ask you for the following:
The type of business,
The products/services you offer,
A typical month / year’s sales information.
Your last three months of processing statements,
Your articles of incorporation
A void check.

In addition, you the business owner are always subject to a credit check upon approval.

These are all incredibly important components of setting up any merchant account but specifically an internet merchant account.  Reviewing these things allows the merchant account provider to understand you and your business model and the potential risks associated.


If these things are not done and the provider suspects fraud, the only recourse they will have to protect themselves is to suspend your account, hold your funds or close your account.   A much less common approach but possible is to reduce your credit limit so you can process less sales each month. These all protect the merchant account provider from taking on the risk of potential returns and chargebacks.

Thorough underwriting is a key element to having a stable internet merchant account.  In addition, you want to be sure that the monthly credit limit allowed for by your merchant accounts is enough for the charges you predict you’ll have each month; however, you should also be mindful of the fact that asking for a high limit will be scrutinized much more heavily. This is why it’s more beneficial for most business owners to set up two smaller accounts. This is best done under the guidance of an expert who is well versed in the process.

In addition to thinking through the above-mentioned, you’ll also want to consider your payment gateway options.  Doing a solid payment gateway comparison is a key component — or simply knowing exactly what features the best payment gateway provides is an important step to being setup correctly.

A payment gateway serves to mediate the transaction between your online shopping cart application and your payment processors. Shopping cart apps are not allowed to send and receive transaction information directly to/from payment processors due to potential security threats. A payment gateway company solves this problem by going the length of getting approved to fulfill those security requirements, so that a real-time, online transaction can happen.

What’s nice about Easy Pay Direct is that we have already integrated a payment gateway option into our services — and what’s even nicer is that when making a payment gateway comparison, you’ll find our features and pricing are a big leap above the competition.

Easy Pay Direct’s approach is to think through the would-be complicated logistics of a credit/debit card transaction, and to provide you with an easy, straightforward package customized to meet all of your business’ credit card processing needs.

If you want direct payment gateway comparisons, you can find them on