by Vince | Mar 14, 2019 | Blog, Credit Card Processing
Mastercard is making a bid to help end “friendly fraud” and aims to help eliminate unwarranted chargebacks thanks to the recent announcement of its acquisition of Ethoca, the world’s leading provider of collaboration-based technology that enables...
by Vince | Jan 28, 2019 | Blog
Mastercard is about to roll out massive changes to their rules…and it could have a drastic impact on your business. Over the last few years, there has been a surge in free (plus shipping) and free trial offers, known as negative option billing, that...
by Vince | Jul 22, 2014 | Blog
Visa is no stranger to rebranding. As one of the most advanced and widely recognized payment processing networks in the world, Visa began as the BankAmericard credit card program from Bank of America in September of 1958. Eighteen years later, in 1976, BankAmericard...