Easy Pay Direct Merchant Affiliate Program

Give your audience a payment solution they can rely on
They’ll love you for it,
And you’ll earn residuals for life.

Earn Lifetime Residuals

merchant services affiliate program


Our Affiliate Partners Are Family

Our Team X Your Audience

You send your audience to us, and our in-house Certified Payment Specialists will take care of the rest.

The More Your Referral Processes,

The More You Earn…

We optimize every merchant's account forever…

Reducing declines, providing stability, managing chargebacks and growth

All of this results in more money being processed every year.

Your merchants will grow with us, and so will your residuals.

merchant affiliate program

A High Converting Offer That Works

Every eCommerce business on the planet and 93% of all others, need to accept credit cards…

Almost NONE of them are doing it in the safest way possible, and they literally, run the risk of going bankrupt tomorrow.

Our message resonates with businesses large and small – Don’t put all your eggs in one basket… Or your company will crash and burn.

Our marketing materials hand-feed businesses content that puts the fear of reality in their hearts.

What happens if they can’t accept cards–tomorrow?? Poof. Bang. Pow. No more business.

Here’s the good news for YOU:

YOU have the solution…well… Easy Pay Direct actually has the solution — but you’re about to BANK off it.

  • NTraining Ideas And Strategies Included
  • NCustom High Converting Landing Pages
  • NWhite Label Content For Email, Social And More
  • NDashboard To Monitor Your Residuals
  • NEarn Commission For Life

Payment Processing Affiliate Program - Take This To The Bank

When you join the Easy Pay Direct Merchant Services Affiliate Program you'll get 20% of the revenue an account generates for the life of the account.

How often does the average business STOP ACCEPTING CREDIT CARDS?

On average, our affiliates earn residuals for 2-10 years...

The question is: How many business owners can you refer next month alone

99% Approval Rate On Our Merchant Services Affiliate Program, Plus…

Our gateway was designed specifically to prevent your referrals from EVER having merchant account problems…

They can load multiple merchants into ONE gateway, and it will automatically split sales across those accounts

One gateway, One Application, One Point of Contact – multiple merchant accounts. And the best part – unlike ANY other merchant account provider we know of – we ACTUALLY have a 99% approval.

It’s not magic – we work with EVERY BANK IN THE COUNTRY who has ANYTHING to do with eCommerce.

What does that mean for you?

More money!!!

A decline just means we move to the next bank.

Boom! BoOm! BOOM! You’ll keep stacking up those checks!

Sign Up For The Partner Program

Affiliate Program FAQs

How Do I Sign Up?

Simply click one of the sign-up buttons above or click here and fill out the form.

Once it is filled out you will have access to your affiliate dashboard where you can access links, tools, and all the resources you need to be successful!

How much money can I earn?

Our very lucrative affiliate program is unlike any others.

You’ll earn a 20% commission on anyone you sign up, that starts processing payments with Easy Pay Direct.

PLUS you’ll earn these commissions for the lifetime of their account. On average this is 5+ years!

What tools do you provide your affiliates?

Once signed up you’ll have access to creative content, links, and forms that all have your tracking code embedded in them!

No coding is required, all you have to do is use them.

Here is what you get:

    • Tracking links to high-converting landing pages
    • Forms that you can embed with one click
    • Creative content Including logos and banners with your tracking pixel embedded in them

How do I check my statistics so I can see what I've made?

Once you sign up you’ll have access to your own affiliate portal.

Inside here you can see everyone you’ve referred and what step they are on as well as revenue earned, next payment date, and much more.