Once you have filled out an application it will take 48 to 72 hours to get approved for your merchant account (FILL OUT APP HERE).
Once you are approved you will receive a welcome email from [email protected] which contains your username and a link.
If you click this link it will prompt you to pick your own secure password for the system.
Once you have typed your password in twice, you will be logged into the Easy Pay Direct System for the first time. Make sure to store your password in a safe place. We encourage you to try LASTPASS(it’s free) to help you keep track of passwords.
If you haven’t received your welcome email it’s possible it is stuck in your SPAM filter. It is important to check your SPAM or “junk mail” folders.
If you have checked all of your mail folders and still do not have a welcome email, please contact customer support:
800.805.4949 – Option #1