Payment Security

The Easy Pay Direct company was designed to make your life easier. From Easy Pay Direct looks at security as the cornerstone of our business. If we aren’t secure, we aren’t doing our job. The security tools we use are above and beyond what is required. We encrypt and store all sensitive information, including bank account and credit card information.
Our SSL (Secured Socket Layer) certificate is a must when process as it is a staple for PCI-DSS – Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards.
A 256-bit DigiCert certificate is used for all hosted web forms and Easy Pay Direct modules. DigiCert allows a 128-bit encryption for the browsers that aren’t made for 256-bit encryption.
PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) has become an essential part of the payment industry today. It is a set of mandatory security standards that protect sensitive information during processing. Merchants and processors who do not follow the PCI-DSS rules can be fined heavily and have their processing privileges suspended.
An independent audit was done by Coalfire Systems, a VISA Qualified (third party) Security Assessor. Coalfire has certified that Easy Pay Direct is PCI DSS compliant
The Goal: To strictly follow the PCI DSS rules while keeping your business and processing easy, safe, fast and secure.
Easy Pay Direct will never store CVV2 Data to remain in compliance. Merchants, however are able to enter the CVV2 data for one time transactions to help the chances of approving the transaction and also increase security.
Easy Pay Direct never stores the track data from card swipes for any reason.
All credit card data must be encrypted while it is stored. It is allowed to be unencrypted only during the transmission of the transaction itself. Because Easy Pay Direct has been PCI DSS certified, all recurring payments and credit card information that is stored in the system is secure and compliant. This also means that any merchant that is using the system is also PCI compliant. Doesn’t that make life easier?
Ignore Data Thieves- We’ve Taken Care of Them.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year Easy Pay Direct uses an Intrusion Detection Service (IDS) powered by Trustwave’s TrustedSentry product to protect you against the latest internet predator’s attacks. TrustedSentry’s IDS service will alert you if there are ever any attempts made to access your network.